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[ Reborn from the ashes of Warzone UK | Roleplaying is optional ]

    The Group 4 (G4) Organisation


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2018-10-12
    Age : 75
    Location : A Brit living Germany

    The Group 4 (G4) Organisation Empty The Group 4 (G4) Organisation

    Post by Gunner October 19th 2018, 16:27

    My Name is Arthur Dent. Having been lost in space and perhaps a little time, I found myself drifting around Sirius and like many others heard rumours of an old dock with the remants of an old logistics organisation cared for by a surberb engineer who in time I married and together set of on a new adventure which we have called the G4 Group (for convienience). We sought and obtained funding and are now pleased to announce the start of our new company. So what can we offer:

    We have a transport flying under a IC flag. We aim to be neutral throughout and are delighted to fly legal commodities to order anywhere possible to us. If your base needs supplies just ask, if you need cargo moving from point A to point B and perhaps back again, once more just ask. If you call, we haul.

    We also have a couple of miners on our books. One of them (IMG) is a tad long in the tooth and currently following rumours of gold in Dundee (good luck to him) and another in Liberty space. Either of these guys could perhaps fill your transports with ore either just the once or on a regular bases. Again just ask.

    While we aim to be neutral we can offer an escort service if you are plagued by pirates and need a little support. We did have 2 pilots for these duties but 1 of them, (my wifes son) has just jined the Bretonian Ary and has been assigned duties on the Ark Royal.

    We aim to expand and are always looking for pilots of any craft who may be useful in our aims and while this is not our official post we thought we should let pilots know that if you see ships Called The Antares, OldMiner or Maynard then it is us.

    We will pay our respects to you if we pass in space.

    Thank you for listening.


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2018-10-12
    Age : 75
    Location : A Brit living Germany

    The Group 4 (G4) Organisation Empty Re: The Group 4 (G4) Organisation

    Post by Gunner October 19th 2018, 20:56

    Just an update on our "long in tooth" miner. We have just found drunk in the IMG base in Dundee after finding out that there is no gold in Dundee. A good miner but more an old prospector these days. We have given him a new apprentice.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2018-10-12
    Age : 75
    Location : A Brit living Germany

    The Group 4 (G4) Organisation Empty Re: The Group 4 (G4) Organisation

    Post by Gunner November 2nd 2018, 19:25

    The G4 Group
    My Name is John Drake
    I have been appointed to head up The G4 Group.
    The G4 Group, prefixed G4 which is the standard military departmental title of all things logistical, is a logistic grouping of personnel and factions that have a common interest in any area of logistics. Our principle purpose is the enhancement and freedom of trade throughout Sirius. Logistic disciplines include Warehouse Storage, Freight Movement, Mining, Wreck Salvage, Maintenance, Construction and the supply of any commodity lawfully demanded of it.
    The G4 Group consists of many different factions with various legal political alliances who operate either independently under their own flag affiliated to this co-operative, in order to achieve a common aim.
    Our history is not new and was once a Bretonian loyal company, however, its aim was limited and to a certain extent selfish in its aims, therefore its modus operandi was abolished, the board of directors retired, and a new management team formed. Their new mandate is to achieve a common bond amongst many logistic factions who can find the scope and will to work together for the benefit of all.
    It currently does not have a security wing but chooses instead, to hire escort vessels as and when needed. This does not limit any future aspiration that may exist for such a dedicated wing.
    It is intended to construct a base called “New Windsor” sighted in New London. We are mindful that there are other logistic bases in Sirius and the G4 Group would not wish to swamp any system with bases which may dilute collective achievements. While modest at first the base will be expanded as finance and investments are developed. It is visualised that any affiliated pilot depositing cargo at New Windsor can be assured that the items remain his property until he has decided how to dispose of it. An example is that any miner who temporary deposits his ore at the base can be assured that it remains his until he moves it on to selling points. The method of achieving this will be forwarded to affiliated G4 Group members.
    We are also mindful of the Human struggle against The Nomads and it is within our mandate to assist in the resupply of any faction involved in the defeat of the Nomad threat.
    Individuals or groupings (Legal) wishing to state an interest in such a common aim are welcome to join the G4 Group, without ties. Such an affiliation does not limit any such group from supporting its own political or military objectives.
    It should also be noted that any co-operation between individuals, groupings or factions is not governed by any individual in the G4 management team, group or faction but more under the collective guide of those participating in this venture.

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