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    Strange things in Dundee

    Independent Sirius Press
    Independent Sirius Press

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2018-11-15

    Strange things in Dundee Empty Strange things in Dundee

    Post by Independent Sirius Press November 24th 2018, 15:10

         Strange developements in Dundee

    And now we report the latest news from Dundee there is a fierce battle going on
    between the BAF and Gallic Royal forces. Despite the predictable fight since this morning appears strange things.
    Some lonely units disappear with inexplicably. In some areas the hostile parties suspended their attacks againt the hostile wessels.
    We are coming forward with further news soon.
    Strange things in Dundee 7GvY922l

    Adrian Flemming
    ISP reporter

      Current date/time is September 8th 2024, 05:27