Freelancer Warzone Forum

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[ Reborn from the ashes of Warzone UK | Roleplaying is optional ]

    Happy New Year to NWZ members


    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2018-04-19
    Age : 27
    Location : Hungary

    Happy New Year to NWZ members Empty Happy New Year to NWZ members

    Post by L'egendary January 1st 2019, 18:55

    The Warzone community wishes all their members a Happy New Year filled with joy, prosperity and fun!

    2017 was the year when previous Warzone unfortunatelly ended,
    2018 was the resurrection and development of New Warzone,
    2019 will hopefully will be our best year so far, and I'm looking forward to have fun with all of you!

    Best wishes,
    - L

      Current date/time is September 8th 2024, 05:15