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[ Reborn from the ashes of Warzone UK | Roleplaying is optional ]

    Gunner as the newest guardian


    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2018-04-19
    Age : 48
    Location : Hungary

    Gunner as the newest guardian Empty Gunner as the newest guardian

    Post by commander_Gab January 6th 2019, 14:10

    I am pleased to announce to the community interpreting Legi's words:

    Our old friend [Guardian] Gunner being appointed as the Admin-assistant in charge of POB's, and being given powers to help solving balancing issues, unbanning players and other various tasks.

    Gunner was one of the three main Administrators on old Warzone for many years, and did a wonderful job during that time. He is even more experienced than me when it comes to POB's, certain plugins, how extensively they can be modified and other similar skills, and I'm more than certain that he will keep up the same awesome work here as he did on old Warzone.

    Please welcome our newest Guardian, and I hope he can help to the best of his abilities!

      Current date/time is July 27th 2024, 17:08