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[ Reborn from the ashes of Warzone UK | Roleplaying is optional ]

    MND covert operation


    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2018-04-19
    Age : 48
    Location : Hungary

    MND covert operation  Empty MND covert operation

    Post by commander_Gab November 10th 2018, 12:22

    MND covert operation  X429KGll

    MND-RM covert operation

    Due the resolution of Rheinland Intelligence agreement with the RM HQ aspirations
    the Donau class cruiser has moved to Dundee system in order to destabilize the superiority of local
    Bretonian Forces and even support the initiations of GRN fleet.

    Until the ending of reverseal battle the [RM]Reimann is stationed in this border region and
    and fight against all kind of Bretonian threat.

    MND covert operation  UZf5O70m

      Current date/time is July 27th 2024, 13:22