Freelancer Warzone Forum

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[ Reborn from the ashes of Warzone UK | Roleplaying is optional ]

    BAF ver GRN in Leeds


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2018-10-12
    Age : 75
    Location : A Brit living Germany

    BAF ver GRN in Leeds Empty BAF ver GRN in Leeds

    Post by Gunner January 21st 2019, 07:18

    An Event is coming involving the BAF and the GRN in Leeds.
    This one will have a difference in that those participating should not know who else is involved in order to add a little mystery and realism into the event.
    To assist in the planning, if you would like to participate please pm me with your intention to join and which faction you would be supporting.
    Any ID allied with either the Gallia or Bretonia can join in, just let me know.

    There should be more than one phase to this event so it will not be a single combat scenerio.

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